Stefan Schaub, Owner and Trainer
Schutzhund Experience
25 years of experience in Schutzhund and Behavior Training
Helper for World Teams
Helper for many BSP competitors
Breeder of the Kennel von der Staatsmacht-Many dogs qualified for LGA and BSP
Helper BSP 2004
SV Teaching Helper
Certified helper for DVG, SV, USA
Helper Ireland Nationals 2008
Helper for the SV-IPO Trial Movie
K-9 Experience:
20 years experience in training K-9's
Former NATO K-9 Trainer
Trainer for members of Special Forces Germany
Stefan and team have proven to be one of the top breeders in working line German Shepherds. From his foundation female Orla, to Gracia, Franka, Ultra, and many more Stefan has produced the top working genetics in recent world history. Quardes vd Staatsamacht and Terror vd Staatsmacht have been for several years the two top producing males on the BSP and WUSV. Many have had studs that make many many breedings, but their offspring fail to make the "big show" time and time again.
Breeding Story:
Staatsmacht Kennel was founded in 2002 with my foundation female Orla Schiffslache. Oral produced with many different males, out of different lines, consistently dog that carried the ability to work in every environment and perform every kind of work. Orla was a proven producer and very famous for the quality of dogs she produced. The German Shepherd Magazine featured Orla as one of the best producers.
16 years later we still follow her breeding linage in a straight manner. We kept many of her daughters for our breeding program and they have already surpased her in thier breeding ability. Females like Franka or Gracia, and most recently Ultra, and Dora have shown their strong quality in producing the strong dogs that Staatsmacht is famous for.
We rarely purchase females out of other lines, as we only trust in our Orla/Connie/Gimmie line. It is for sure the best feeling for every breeder if dogs out of your breeding program shows those qualities on the big trials and real world senerios in law enforcement, but you know you have bred the right dogs when breeders all over the world use your males and females for their breeding programs.
We are really proud to see that Staatsmacht has become in a short time a very prestigious kennel name around the world.